Going to Build a Hobby Farm

Lynn and I have been thinking about moving out into the real country. We found this area about an hour or so South of where we live now. You can buy land in this area for about one tenth of what it costs around here. So you can buy fifty acres for what you could get five for around here. In fact the place we found is even less than that. It seems like you have to get satellite internet out there however. It looks as though Hughesnet rural internet availability is about the only option out there, which is pretty clearly not an ideal situation. You have to think about whether or not you could find something that was sufficient in a location where there were more options. Of course we are going to have a good bit of money due to a little bit of serendipitous fortune relating to the land we have now. This place has increased in value dramatically since we bought the land around twenty three years ago. Back then the area was completely undeveloped and we bought just under four acres of land and built a house on it. Other people built houses in the area, but about ten years ago the road that we live on started to get a lot of retail development. Right now one of those big box stores is interested in buying our land and the land adjacent to it. We really can not say no to the price that they are offering. So we are going to have enough money to do almost what we want. I am thinking about buying the land and building a nice little farm house, then building a barn and buying a small tractor. Obviously it is all just going to be little more than a hobby.