Thinking About Building a Lake House

I need to find the answers to a couple of questions before I proceed, but I have been looking at this piece of lake front property and thinking about how practical it would be to build a little house there. Of course it is about an hour away from where I live now and it is about forty five minutes away from the plant where I am one of the shop foremen. I need to figure out the details of the local area’s high speed internet availability. I could probably do well enough with no internet for the weekend, but that is not going to fly for the rest of the family. My wife has a job where they have a total fit if you go half an hour with no internet connecting you to the home office. The same thing is true of cell phone service. I already know that is not very good here. I see cell phone towers, but none of them are very useful for the cell phone provider that we have.

I figure that I can get around that stuff by putting in a mobile hot spot of my own. At least what I understand about it that should be able to fix the problem. The cell phone company claims that I should be able to get a signal. We drive around with the passenger looking at the strength of the signal on one or two phones. It seems as though you can pick up a faint signal here and there, a strong one in a couple of places. It is very odd to me, but then I do not know where the tower is that we are using and so I might be going in and out of the line of sight of it.